CLONE REMOTE PDB da un Container ad un altro usando DBLINK

--->>>>DOC  2882174.1 ---

How to clone remote pdb from one cdb to another cdb using db link

We are cloning the pluggable database, PDB1 from root container database, CDB1 to PDB2 in root container database, CDB2.

a) Close and Open the PDB1 in READ WRITE mode to create cloneuser.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1 close;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1 open;

Pluggable database altered.

Login to PDB1  e creare l'utente cloneuser usato dal dblink creato su CDB2

SQL> alter session set container=pdb1;

SQL> create user cloneuser identified by cloneuser;

Grant create session and create pluggable database privileges to cloneuser.

SQL> grant create session, create pluggable database to cloneuser;

Controlla i privileges granted to the cloneuser.

SQL> select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'CLONEUSER';

Aprire PDB1 in modalità read only.

SQL> alter session set container=PDB1;
SQL> alter pluggable database close;
SQL> alter database open read only;

Verify PDB1 is in READ ONLY mode.

SQL> show pdbs

-------- --------- ------------- --------------
3        PDB1      READ ONLY     NO

c) Login to Target Container Database, CDB2

Create the database link in the target server to clone the pdb1 from cdb1 to cdb2. 
SQL> create database link clone_pdb connect to cloneuser identified by cloneuser using 'PDB1';

-- Conviene usare la seguente stringa di connessione invece del SID del pluggable database
create database link clone_pdb connect to cloneuser identified by cloneuser using 

-- Checking tnsping and database connection to pdb1 pluggable database inside container database, CDB1

# tnsping pdb1

# sqlplus connection status check

# sqlplus sys/sys@pdb1 as sysdba
SQL> sho con_name


SQL> show parameter instance_name

NAME           TYPE      VALUE
-------------- --------  -------
instance_name  string    cdb1

-- su  PDB1 in CDB1 vedere il path dei datafile

SQL> select name from v$datafile;


Quindi creare le direcory sul server che contiene il CBD2

# mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata/CDB2/PDB2

Lanciare sul server che contiene il CBD2

SQL> create pluggable database PDB2 from PDB1@clone_pdb file_name_convert=('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/CDB1/PDB1/','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/CDB2/PDB2/');
che PDB2 sia nello stato MOUNTED.
SQL> sho pdbs

---------- ----------  ---------- -------------
2          PDB$SEED    READ ONLY  NO
3          PDB2        MOUNTED    NO

Verifica la creazione dei datafile nel  datafile path corretto.

SQL> select name from v$datafile;

Aprire PDB2 database in CDB2.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL> alter session set container=cdb$root;

SQL> show pdbs

-- Verifica gli oggetti clonati
SQL> alter session set container=pdb2;

Session altered.

 SQL>  select count(*),owner , object_type, status
from dba_objects 
where owner in (<schema>)
group by owner, object_type , status
order by owner;

SQL> select * from dba_registry_sqlpatch ;

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